The German EKATO Group currently has two companies established in China:


伊喀拓(上海)搅拌设备有限公司 EKATO (Shanghai) Agitation Equipment Co., Ltd
伊喀拓(上海)商贸有限公司 EKATO (Shanghai) Commercial & Trading Co., Ltd
以上二家公司我们统称为: 伊喀拓中国。
Above mentioned two commpanies, we call EKATO CHINA.
a) 我们于2018年搬迁至现在的驻地: 有生产制造厂房和办公室建筑面积约2700平方米。其中生产制造厂房2100平方米, 办公室面积约600平方米
We moved to our current location in 2018: we have a manufacturing plant and offices with a floor area of about 2,700 square meters. The manufacturing plant is ~2100 square meters and the office is ~600 square meters.
b) 我们于2022年扩展了我们的生产制造厂房和办公室, 增加面积约2700平方米, 其中生产制造厂房2100平方米, 办公室面积约600平方米
In 2022, we expanded our manufacturing and office space by approximately 2,700 square meters, including 2,100 square meters of manufacturing space and 600 square meters of office space.
c) 我们有搅拌技术实验室, 可为客户提供产品开发的试验(药品和化妆品等)。
One mixing technology laboratory is available for providing clients the products developping test (pharmaceuticals and cosmetics).
d) 我们有机械密封维修装备, 可为客户提供动、静环的研磨和机械密封整体的动态检验测试。
We have the reparing and maintenance facility of mechanical seal. Lapping machine and dynamic test pit are available to make sure that mechanical seal can be repaired in EKATO (Shanghai).
e) 我们有常用备件的仓库,备有机械密封等的常用易损件。
We have a spare parts storehouse for easy ware parts of mechanical seal.
EKATO 中国视频介绍 – Video Introduction of EKATO CHINA